The Research Funds Subcommittee of the Scientific Subcommittee of the Science and Technology Council has compiled an outline of the "Academic Transformation Area Research" that will be newly established by reviewing the "New Academic Area Research" among the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research.The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has a policy of starting research in the area of ​​academic transformation from FY2020, and has included it in the budget request for FY2020 of Kakenhi.

 According to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, research in the area of ​​academic transformation aims to create a research area that will significantly change the system and direction of academic studies so far. We will support with Kakenhi, including challenging research by the research group.The application amount for support is limited to 3 million yen, but it is possible to apply for more than that if it is really necessary.The research period is 3 to 5 years.

 The target is research fields unique to Japan and research that is unprecedented in Japan and overseas, provided that young researchers under the age of 45 are participating as area representatives or multiple research representatives.

 Until now, Kakenhi had research in new academic fields as a means of creating new fields in science, but a group of 8 to 10 laboratory leaders participated with individual research plans under the representative of the field. A publicly recruited study was added on the way.

 However, at the start, it was pointed out that smaller scales would be more effective, so we decided to review it.The Research Funds Subcommittee set up a working group for Kakenhi Reform in April, and was reviewing it with reference to the opinions of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.

reference:[Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology] 10th Research Fund Subcommittee (5th) Handouts> About "Academic Transformation Area Research" (Draft) (PDF)

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