With the spread of smartphones and tablets and advances in video technology, apps and games that use AR (Augmented Reality) expressions are being enjoyed.AR, which can process real-world images in real time and superimpose artificial information on real-world information, enriches the viewer's sensory experience, but at the same time, it affects the viewer's mind and body. Until now, there have been few examples of verifying such effects, especially for children who are in the process of maturing both physically and mentally.

 Research groups at Niigata University and Japan Women's University have succeeded in showing for the first time how AR-based visual expression affects children's behavior using experimental methods.As a result of the experiment, children aged 5 to 10 detour around the place where the CG character presented by AR appeared, as if avoiding colliding with the character even after the AR expression was canceled and the character disappeared. It was shown that there is a strong tendency to do.

 A total of 48 children participated in the experiment. Two passages were set up between the two areas, and the AR character was observed standing on one of them through the screen of the tablet.After that, I stowed my tablet, worked on a dummy game task, and then recorded which aisle I would take to pick up a gift in the other area.As a result, 2 out of 2 people passed by avoiding the place where the character appeared, which was too large to be regarded as a statistical coincidence.

 On the other hand, when similar experiments were conducted on college students, this tendency was not observed.In other words, it can be said that it was shown that the behavior of children can be influenced by AR expression, and that AR expression that does not affect the behavior of adults can also affect the behavior of children.This result raises the need for content development that takes into consideration the way AR expressions are perceived by age groups and the possibility that their impact on behavior may differ.

Paper information:[Scientific Reports] Effects of visual information presented by augmented reality on childrenʼs behavior

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