Osaka Prefecture University has decided to provide the online learning system "Meeks" developed by faculty and staff to other universities free of charge for a limited time until the end of February 2021.The aim is to support online learning, which is becoming more widespread due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection.

 According to Osaka Prefecture University, Meeks was developed in the "University Education Regeneration Acceleration Program" (2014-2018) adopted by Professor Masahiko Okamoto of the Graduate School of Human and Social Systems Science and others from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.It is a support tool for adding proactive and interactive deep learning to lecture-type lessons, and features a "cooperative learning environment" where students can check each other's lesson contents.

 It works with a learning management system called "Moodle" adopted by many universities, enabling both specialized knowledge and deep understanding. In 2019, a total of about 70 teachers used it in class, and a total of about 2,500 students used it. There were no system troubles after 3 years of operation.Other than Osaka Prefecture University, Professor Noboru Takahashi of the Faculty of Education, Osaka Kyoiku University has introduced it in class.

 Professor Okamoto, one of the developers, said, "The spread of the new corona infection has made it impossible for universities to use the traditional teaching methods of lecture-type lessons and final exams. Universities that want to guarantee educational results through online learning , I want you to use Meeks. "

reference:[Osaka Prefecture University] -Contributing to online lessons at national educational institutions-Osaka Prefecture University provides online learning support system "meaQs" to other universities free of charge (for a limited time)

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