Works Applications Co., Ltd. is recruiting student part-time workers who create and modify product manuals in the development department with complete telework.This recruitment was conducted with the aim of saving students who are in need of living due to the loss of part-time job income due to the corona sickness.

 At Works Applications, 98% of employees currently work at telework.In addition, the work was reviewed with the improvement of the telework environment as an opportunity, and the development department succeeded in cutting out the work for part-time work with complete telework.This has made it possible to provide employment opportunities and rewarding jobs to more excellent students, including local students who have never been to the office.

 A student working at telework said, "It was really good to be able to work part-time while refraining from going out while the new coronavirus spreads again" (4th year at Ritsumeikan University), "I have never experienced it before." I was worried about my part-time job, but the person in charge is very supportive, so I can work with peace of mind. "(3rd year student at Kyushu Sangyo University) said.Mr. Taku Sasaki, Executive Officer of Works, said, "The success of part-time employment regardless of where we live has made us realize the possibility of new ways of working that make use of telework. We will continue to flexibly respond to changes in social conditions. While doing so, I would like to provide various opportunities. "

 The recruitment period for telework type student part-time jobs is until August 8st.The employment period is two months and the hourly wage is 31 yen (an incentive of 2 to 1300 yen is provided depending on the results).The minimum working hours are 10000 to 20000 hours.

Reference: [Works Applications Co., Ltd.]Works Applications Telework type student part-time job recruitment

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