The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) has taken into consideration when conducting classes in the latter half of 2020 at universities, etc., in order to achieve both "securing learning opportunities for students" and "preventing the spread of new coronavirus infections," including consideration of conducting classes face-to-face. We summarized the matters and ingenuity that we would like you to do and notified each university.

 According to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, education at universities, etc. is not entirely completed by "distance lessons" through online, etc., but in order to cultivate a rich humanity, students, students and faculty members through "face-to-face lessons" He pointed out that the human interaction between the two is also an important factor.In considering the method of conducting lessons in the latter half of the year, we requested that we consider the implementation of "distance lessons" after taking measures against infection, taking into consideration the infection situation in the area, the size of the classroom, and the wishes of the students.

 "Distance lessons" should be conducted only when it is difficult to conduct face-to-face lessons even if sufficient infection control measures are taken, and it should be noted that it is necessary to have an educational effect equivalent to face-to-face lessons. rice field.In addition, if there are very few opportunities for face-to-face lessons, we request that students be given careful and rational explanations about the reasons why face-to-face lessons cannot be held and necessary information such as student exchange opportunities. ing.

 As a measure to "balance learning opportunities and infection control", encourage students and faculty members to observe their health such as temperature measurement, and if they have cold symptoms such as fever, take a rest without going to school. Ask.Specifically, it indicates that a temperature measuring station will be set up at the entrance of a university, etc., and temperature measurement will be carried out for those who enter the university.

 In addition, in order to thoroughly avoid the three dense spaces (closed spaces with poor ventilation, dense spaces where many people gather, and close scenes where short-distance conversations and utterances occur), which have a high risk of spreading infection, one lesson class is divided into two. After dividing into classrooms, we are proposing initiatives such as face-to-face lessons on one side and real-time delivery lessons on the other, which are alternated.

 In addition to prevention, in case an infected person should occur, prepare a mechanism that can deal with it promptly and accurately, and the infected person or close contact person will not be subject to discrimination, prejudice, or slander. I also asked for sufficient consideration.

Reference: [Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology] Implementation of classes in the latter half of this year at universities, etc. and measures to prevent infection with the new coronavirus infection (well-known) (PDF)

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