From April 2021, 4, Yamanashi University will distribute sanitary products using disaster prevention stocks to female students who are in financial difficulty due to a decrease in part-time job income due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection. "Flower support" is being implemented.

 "Co Flower Support" is being implemented on a trial basis in order to reduce the financial burden on female students who cannot purchase sanitary napkins for financial reasons and to protect their comfortable lives.

 Held on weekdays from April 4th to May 28th at Kofu Campus and May 5th to 14th at the Faculty of Medicine Campus.On April 5, the first day of distribution, we handed a bag of sanitary napkins to 6 students, including international students who visited the venue on the Kofu campus.At the venue, we also screened videos explaining women's physical problems and conducted questionnaires to ask about problems in their daily lives.

 Yamanashi University is considering the continuation of the 2nd and 3rd rounds by grasping the distress and needs of students through "Co Flower Support" and recruiting cooperating companies.

Reference: [University of Yamanashi] Implemented "Co Flower Support" to distribute sanitary products free of charge

Yamanashi University

Fostering next-generation researchers and leaders who will play an active role in each field, which will be the "core of the region" in knowledge and technology.

The roots of Yamanashi University are in the "Kitenkan", a school of the Edo Shogunate, which was established in 1796. Inheriting the tradition of "knowledge" for more than 200 years, we provide society with a place of learning that will satisfy each and every one of us.With abundant humanity and ethics, with a wide range of knowledge and deep expertise, next-generation researchers and each […]

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