Interview article list

Shinichi Mizogami, Kyoto University, pioneering a new horizon in Japanese education through active learning

Active learning that started in college and has recently become more and more interested in high school.According to the next course of study, it will be a highlight even in elementary and junior high schools […]

Become an intellectual professional! The University of Tokyo

Learning at university is very different from learning up to high school, where there is a correct answer.Power with others […] on an unknown problem whose answer is not immediately visible

Roundtable discussion between the President of Kyoto University and the principal of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area Preparatory School 2nd

In response to the last question of President Yamagoku in the previous issue, the reform of university entrance exams, the reform of education at high schools and universities, […]

Roundtable discussion between the president of Kyoto University and the principal of a preparatory school in the Tokyo metropolitan area

As the discussion on the trinity reform, which is the reform of university and high school education and the reform of university entrance exams, deepens, the president of Kyoto University and the metropolitan area advance […]