I tried to summarize the cooperation agreement between Kyoto Bunkyo University / Kyoto Bunkyo Junior College and the region so farKyoto Bunkyo University, which promotes regional cooperation as a university rooted in the community, signed a comprehensive cooperation agreement with Uji City, the location of universities and junior colleges, in 2010 to strengthen it.Since then, we have signed cooperation agreements with several governments and economic organizations, and have endeavored to further strengthen cooperation.In recent years, we have been focusing on connecting not only with Uji City but also with municipalities in the southern part of Kyoto Prefecture through the efforts of the university COC project "Local human resources raised on the Tomoiki (coexistence) campus in the southern part of Kyoto Prefecture".This time, I have summarized the cooperation agreements that have been concluded between Kyoto Bunkyo University and Kyoto Bunkyo Junior College and the region.

  1. February 2010 Uji City

    Concluded a comprehensive cooperation agreement for mutual cooperation in community development, education / culture / sports promotion, child-rearing support / clinical psychology, industrial promotion, human resource development, etc.

  2. March 2015 Kyoto Prefecture

    Concluded a comprehensive cooperation agreement to cooperate and cooperate in regional promotion and human resource development

  3. February 2018 Kumiyama Town

    Concluded a comprehensive cooperation agreement to cooperate and cooperate in a wide range of fields such as town development, education / culture, child-rearing support, industrial / tourism promotion, and human resource development.

  4. March 2018 Kyoto Prefecture

    Concluded an agreement on employment support such as disseminating company information in Kyoto prefecture to students, holding company information sessions in Kyoto prefecture, and supporting internship acceptance.

  5. November 2018 Shiga Prefecture

    Disseminate company information in Shiga prefecture to students, hold company information sessions in Shiga prefecture, conclude agreements on employment support such as internship acceptance support

  6. February 2019 Seika Town

    Concluded a comprehensive cooperation agreement to cooperate and cooperate in regional promotion and human resource development

  7. March 2019 Uji Chamber of Commerce / Joyo Chamber of Commerce / Kumiyama Town Chamber of Commerce

    Concluded a comprehensive cooperation agreement with business and industry groups in 3 cities and towns in southern Kyoto

Comprehensive cooperation agreement with Seika Town

 On Thursday, February 2019, 2, an agreement was signed at the Seika Town Hall by Mayor Seika Kimura (center), President Hiraoka of Kyoto Bunkyo University (right), and President Yasumoto of Kyoto Bunkyo Junior College (left). The ceremony was held.Taking this agreement as an opportunity, Seika Town plans to actively accept student volunteers, fieldwork on the themes of health, food education, tourism, etc., and student internships in various projects in the future.We are also preparing for a symposium on the theme of child-rearing (co-sponsored by Seika Town) scheduled to be held in 21.

Comprehensive cooperation agreement with business and industry groups in Uji, Joyo, Kumiyama, and three municipalities in southern Kyoto Prefecture

 On March 2019, 3 (Thursday), we signed a comprehensive cooperation agreement with the Uji Chamber of Commerce, Joyo Chamber of Commerce, and Kumiyama Town Chamber of Commerce, which have long been deeply connected with regional cooperation.Chairman Tetsuji Yamamoto from the Uji Chamber of Commerce (center of the photo), Chairman Shiro Horii from the Joyo Chamber of Commerce (second from the right), Chairman Yoshi Nishimura from the Kumiyama Chamber of Commerce (second from the left), and Kyoto Bunkyo University. President Satoshi Hiraoka (left) and President Yoshimasa Yasumoto (right) of Kyoto Bunkyo Junior College signed their respective agreements.

 These cities and towns adjacent to Kyoto Bunkyo University have been called "Ujoku" for a long time and have formed one economic zone, so there is a lot of exchange between the chambers of commerce and industry. It has been done.Therefore, although this comprehensive cooperation agreement is a mutual agreement for each chamber of commerce and industry, it is an agreement that the regional cooperation activities at "Ukihisa" will be cross-cutting and will be promoted more actively, smoothly and progressively. It is based on.

 Kyoto Bunkyo University will continue to be a "university rooted in the community" for education, research, and community contribution.
We will work with you.

Kyoto Bunkyo University
Kyoto Bunkyo Junior College

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