Recitation is "recitation", in which the presenter recites an English sentence from an English story or speech and competes for its expressiveness.
The judges on the day are native speakers.By receiving detailed advice, you can further improve your level.Winning high school students will be given the opportunity to make presentations on the same stage as college students.

Contest overview
SponsorshipGifu Shotoku Gakuen University
Start accepting applications2022/9/1
Application deadline2022/10/11
Information year2022
Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University

Introduce an attractive curriculum and hone a broad culture and international flair

A well-balanced curriculum based on the Buddhist spirit of "equality, forgiveness, interest, etc." Deployed in the faculty.In the liberal arts education "Yawaragi Basis" that you learn together across faculties, you have a broad perspective and empathy […]

University Journal Online Editorial Department