The Meiji University Faculty of Letters will hold the 15th Book Review Contest for high school students and working adults.We are looking for reading impressions of up to 10 characters selected from 1 assigned books.The impressions of the 1,200 Excellence Award winners will be published in book form and donated to the winners, high schools and libraries nationwide.
Since 2009, the Faculty has been holding a book review contest so that more people can encounter new books and feel the joy of expressing their thoughts in their own words.Every year, 10 books are selected from a wide range of fields such as domestic and foreign literature, history, psychology, and society.The 100 winners of the Excellence Award will receive a certificate, a collection of works, and a 3,000-yen book card as a supplementary prize.

Contest overview
SponsorshipFaculty of Letters, Meiji University
Start accepting applications2023/7/3
Application deadline2023/7/31
Information year2023

University Journal Online Editorial Department