The "Hinatayama Music Competition" aims to nurture a love of music and a rich sense of humanity as well as improve performance skills by high school students through playing piano, vocal music, and orchestral and percussion instruments.
It also aims to contribute to the improvement of art culture and local music culture by promoting the development of music in general.
XNUMXst, XNUMXnd, and XNUMXrd prize winners for vocal music, piano, and orchestral percussion
・We present book coupon and certificate.
・Winners will receive a “Spiral Certificate”.Students in the music major of the School of Art and Culture will be exempted from the document screening for the Comprehensive Selection Exploratory Entrance Examination Spiral “Discover!
・There will be no awards ceremony.After the competition ends, the results will be posted on this page.

*What is a “Spiral certificate”?
This is a certificate that certifies that applicants who have been recognized as having high qualifications and potential will be exempted from document screening in J. F. Oberlin University's Comprehensive Selection "Explore Entrance Exam Spiral Discover! Development Type".For more informationInquiry entrance examination special site.

Contest overview
SponsorshipJ. F. Oberlin University School of Arts and Culture
Application deadline2023/7/30
Information year2023

University Journal Online Editorial Department