Aichi Sangyō University Faculty of Business Administration Department of Comprehensive Business Administration holds a business plan contest for high school students.
This year's theme, which is celebrating its 9th time, is Category A "What kind of store do you want to open?", Category B "Let's think about a business plan that revitalizes the region by utilizing food and agriculture!", Category C " Let's think about a new app for digital devices! "
Applicants must be high school students (individuals or groups (up to 2)) located in the Chubu area (Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui, Nagano, Gifu, Shizuoka, Aichi, Mie, Shiga).
In order to revitalize the region and create a vibrant Japan, the power of young people who will lead the next generation is necessary.Let's think about a new and original business plan for the purpose of improving the founding thinking ability of high school students who will lead the future!

Contest overview
SponsorshipAichi Sangyo University Faculty of Business Administration Department of Comprehensive Management
Application deadline2023/9/10
Information year2023

University Journal Online Editorial Department