At the "Japanese Language Literacy Research Center" of Shizuoka Sangyo University, we will carry out research activities on "Japanese literacy = reading, writing, speaking, listening to Japanese" and improve the sensitivity of Japanese students and international students to their own words. With the aim of improving the overall Japanese expression ability, we are promoting educational activities every day with the aim of improving Japanese literacy ability from various angles.
As part of such educational activities, we will hold the "XNUMXth Shizuoka Sangyo University Haiku Contest".

Contest overview
SponsorshipShizuoka Sangyo University
Start accepting applications2020/9/7
Application deadline2021/1/8
About the application deadline<< The application period for this year has ended >>
Information year2020
Shizuoka Sangyo University

Fostering human resources who will lead the modern society through "business education"!

At Shizuoka Sangyo University, acquiring the power to play an active role in society is called "business education." "Business education" is not just about learning how-tos and know-how, but also aiming to acquire the power to think, act and achieve results in the business world.Therefore, Iwata and Fujieda […]

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