Kurashikisakuyo University promotes activities to maintain and improve health from food.
As an educational activity for primary prevention by food, we are looking for recipes for "healthy snacks" that are kind to the body and are conscious of preventing lifestyle-related diseases this year as well.
Please apply for a recipe for a snack that uses healthy ingredients that you think of.
The primary prevention working group, which is composed of faculty members from the Faculty of Food and Culture, not only makes it easy and delicious, but also examines documents including health appeal points and selects excellent recipes that "I want to let you know!"
The recipes selected in the primary selection are reproduced on campus by faculty members of the Faculty of Food and Culture and students of the Faculty of Food and Culture, and the recipes are comprehensively evaluated for their comprehensibility, reproducibility, taste, and ease of eating, and the highest award is decided. increase.

Contest overview
SponsorshipKurashiki Sakuyo University
Application deadline2021/7/30
About the application deadline<< The application period for this year has ended >>
Information year2021
Kurashiki Sakuyo University

A place to hone your ability to be close to people's hearts through music, food culture, and children's education

The Faculty of Music, the Faculty of Food and Culture, and the Faculty of Child Education have different specialties, but the core is the same spirit of Sakuyo.We are fostering professionals who live a rich and lively life by giving a wide range of knowledge and deeply teaching and researching specialized arts.As an inspiring performer, a highly sensitive food expert, and an educator who carefully nurtures the five senses […]

University Journal Online Editorial Department