List of articles of Hokkaido University

Cell membrane protein inhibits insulin secretion, potential new diabetes drug

 A research group at Osaka University, in collaboration with Hokkaido University and others, has insulin as a protein that regulates the release of hormones in the body of mice […].

Semi-clone of Hexagrammos, genome persistence by changing spouse

 Among semi-cloned animals that are thought to be short-lived as a lineage due to their lack of genetic diversity and the inability to eliminate malignant mutations […]

Hokkaido University clarifies why the soles of the feet are thick

 Professor Tomomi Nemoto and his colleagues at the Institute of Electronic Science, Hokkaido University have succeeded in observing the division of cells that maintain the epidermis, and the thicker the skin, the finer it is in the diagonal direction […].

Established the world's first sexually transmitted disease pathogen culture strain of horses Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine et al.

 Keisuke Suganuma, Assistant Professor, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Narantsatsral Researcher, National Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Mongolia

For the first time since the Meiji era, all adjacent area blocks of prefectures are counted and indexed.

 A putter in which research groups from Hokkaido University, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, and Okayama University combine prefectures nationwide in adjacent regions […]

Efficient vehicle allocation by artificial intelligence, Venture by Future University-Hakodate

 Professor Hitoshi Matsubara, Vice President of Future University-Hakodate, is a venture to put into practical use a demand-type transportation system that operates in response to user requests […]

Mathematical models accurately predict new mechanisms of information transmission in the brain Kanazawa University, etc.

 A joint research group of Kanazawa University, Hokkaido University, and Kyushu University has experimentally verified the simulation of a mathematical model to form the brain […]

Differences in the activity of the brain network between Japanese and English Kumamoto University and Sapporo Medical University, etc.

 Research groups such as Professor Kaoru Sekiyama of Kumamoto University, Assistant Professor Atsushi Shinozaki of Sapporo Medical University, and Institute of International Telecommunications Basic Technology, when listening to people face-to-face, […]

Launched a large-scale research project to elucidate the "navigation" of living things Tohoku University, etc.

 Professor Koichi Hashimoto of the Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University and others have created a "navigation" mechanism that allows organisms to select appropriate routes and reach their destinations […].
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