List of articles of Kobe University

Kobe University and USHIO INC. prove that human body safety and bactericidal effect are compatible with 222nm UV

 Professor Ryosuke Kuroda of the Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe University and the research group of Ushio, Inc. irradiate the human body with 222 nanometer ultraviolet rays and cast shadows on the skin […]

Tamagawa University and Kobe University elucidate the functions of the brain involved in the relationship between physical function and cognitive function

 A group from Tamagawa University Brain Science Institute and Kobe University clarified the function of the brain involved in the relationship that "high physical function and high cognitive function" […]

Insect that escapes from the hole in the buttocks even if eaten by frogs, discovered by Kobe University

 Shinji Sugiura, an associate professor at the Graduate School of Agriculture, Kobe University, said that the beetle (a type of beetle) that lives in paddy fields has a digestive tract even if it is preyed on by frogs. […]

Exercise habits improve children's cognitive function International joint research with University of Tsukuba, Kobe University, etc.

 As a result of international joint research by University of Tsukuba, Kobe University, North Carolina University, University of Basel, Northeastern University, etc., cognitive function was originally […]

Discovery of new autoantibodies that are thought to be involved in infertility Kobe University and Osaka University

 Kobe University and Osaka University have found that the "neo-self-antibody" discovered in 2015 is frequently detected in women with recurrent miscarriage.

What is the mechanism of rare earth accumulation around seamounts in the age of global cooling?

 A group led by researchers at the Energy and Resources Frontier Center, Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo, has an ultra-high concentration off the coast of Minamitorishima […].

Droplet removal of new corona infected persons, development of new equipment such as Kobe University

 Professor Tomoo Ito of Kobe University Hospital and Soda Kogyo, a manufacturer of various equipment, are working on a virus produced by patients infected with the new coronavirus in the medical field […]

Conservation of eels leads to conservation of biodiversity in freshwater ecosystems Kobe University, etc.

 Studies by Kobe University, the University of Tokyo, and Chuo University show that eels may function as a comprehensive symbolic species for biodiversity conservation in freshwater ecosystems […]

COVID-19 Patient proof hospital proves that virus infection is steadily adhered to by complying with standard preventive measures Kobe University

 The research group of Kobe University is the Hyogo Prefectural Kakogawa Medical Center, which is the base hospital for new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) […]
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