List of articles from universities in Fukuoka Prefecture

5 universities including Osaka Institute of Technology scrum to develop human resources for science and engineering

 The five technical universities of Osaka, Shibaura, Aichi, Hiroshima, and Fukuoka have established the "Polytechnic Institute Summit" with the aim of developing human resources in science and engineering.Also, in Shibaura, Osaka […]

Analyzing the life of a shelter in the Kumamoto earthquake from a poster, Kyushu University

 The research group of Yoshito Ogata, Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Arts and Engineering, Kyushu University and Professor Shigeki Watanuki, Professor of the Center for Applied Physiology and Anthropology, has evacuated the Kumamoto earthquake […]

Elucidation of the mechanism by which hematopoietic stem cells continue to produce blood cells Kyushu University

 A joint research group between Assistant Professor Yuya Kunizaki of the Graduate School of Medicine, Kyushu University and Albert Einstein Medical University (USA) is based on bones, etc. […]

"Team Kuroshio" with participation from the University of Tokyo and others passed the document screening in the international seafloor exploration race

 "Team Kuroshio", in which the Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo participated, made a technical proposal in an international deep-sea exploration race competing for wide-area high-speed seafloor mapping technology […]

Elucidating a part of the cause of male infertility Chubu University, Kinki University, Kyushu University, etc.

 Research groups at Chubu University, Kinki University, and Kyushu University have elucidated the molecular mechanism of azoospermia using mice.This research is Waseda […]

World's first elucidation of in vivo reaction mechanism that causes neonatal jaundice

 A research group led by Miyazaki University and Kurume University (in addition, Saitama University, Agricultural Research Organization, Osaka University, Kurume National College of Technology) is the most involved in the blood decomposition process […]

Accelerate hepatitis C treatment through integrated research of mathematics and experiments Kyushu University, etc. 

 The research group of Associate Professor Shingo Iwami of Kyushu University Graduate School of Science and Senior Researcher Koichi Watashi of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases has shown the effects of hepatitis C drugs […].

Fukuoka City real estate company provides condominiums for examinees' inns

 Miyoshi Real Estate Co., Ltd. (Fukuoka City, President Osamu Miyoshi), which manages real estate, is limited to the entrance examinations of national and public universities that will be held from the 25th, and is a student mansho owned by the company […]

One and a half year old baby "cares for others" announced by Kyushu University research group

 In the research group of Associate Professor Kazuhide Hashiya of the Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University (Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture), a one-and-a-half-year-old baby is in the position of a "third party" […]

The world's first demonstration of Darwin's evolution theory, discovering the sex-determining gene of asparagus

 The research group at Nara Institute of Science and Technology has used a comprehensive analysis method for the entire genome (genetic information) and gene expression to female asparagus […].
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