List of articles of National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

The University of Tokyo discovers more than 100 extrasolar planets and sets a new record

 An international research team of Livingston graduate students at the University of Tokyo has discovered 60 new exoplanets.Not combined with the previous announcement in August […]

The University of Tokyo and others announce the first results of precision cosmology with the Subaru Telescope

 The research group led by Assistant Professor Chiaki Hikage of the University of Tokyo is the most about the spatial distribution of 3D dark matter in the universe by the Subaru Telescope […].

Supernova explosion Predicting the production of technetium-98 by neutrinos Quantum Science and Technology Research and Development Organization, etc.

 The joint research group of Taketo Hayakawa, Senior Researcher of the National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology, naturally […] due to the neutrinos emitted by the supernova explosion.

Chiba Institute of Technology approaches the real face of the near-Earth asteroid Phaeton

 A group of senior researchers Tomoko Arai of the Planetary Exploration Research Center of Chiba Institute of Technology participated in a joint team of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan and Hokkaido University, and the lid […]

Is the supermassive black hole unrelated to galaxy evolution? Kogakuin University and Ehime University have found exceptions

 The research team led by Dr. Yoshiki Toba of Academia Sinica, Associate Professor Shinya Wheat of Kogakuin University, and Professor Toru Nagao of Ehime University is Alma Telescope […].

Japanese observation team first observes gravitational wave celestial light

 Japan's gravitational wave tracking observation team J-GEM was observed by the gravitational wave telescopes "LIGO" (USA) and "Virgo" (Europe) […]

Elucidating the transformation phenomenon of galaxies 110 billion years ago from disk to ellipse Tohoku University, etc.

 Today's heaviest galaxies are elliptical, but many are said to have once rotated in a disk shape like the Milky Way galaxy.Which is the ancient galaxy […]

Established an observatory on the Chubu University campus

 At Chubu University, the "Chubu University Observatory Astronomical Observatory" is newly established in a corner of the Kasugai Campus, complete with a reflecting telescope with a diameter of 30 cm. 20 […]

Discovery of a planet with a temperature of 4,300 degrees, the highest in the history of observation, the University of Tokyo, etc.

 International research team KELT has discovered the hottest extrasolar planet in observation history, with daytime temperatures as high as 4,300 degrees Celsius. KELT is rice […]

Space observation data of 8 million pixels released to the world

 Ultra-wide-field primary focus camera "Hyper Supreme Cam […] mounted on the" Subaru Telescope "at the top of Mauna Kea in Hawaii, USA