List of sleep articles

4th grade to 3rd grade high school girls lack sleep than boys, survey reveals lifestyle habits

 Girls from the 4th year of elementary school to the 3rd year of high school have less sleep than boys, and the older they go to school, the more likely they are to go to bed late and wake up late, according to Hiroshima University.

Professor Yanagisawa of University of Tsukuba wins US Breakthrough Prize for sleep research

 The International Integrative Sleep Medicine of the University of Tsukuba, which conducts sleep research, was selected for the Life Science Division of the Breakthrough Award, an international scientific award founded by the founders of Google in the United States.

RIKEN and the University of Tokyo launch children's sleep screening project

 RIKEN and the University of Tokyo are team leader Yasumi Ueda of the Synthetic Biology Research Team, RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research (The University of Tokyo).

Study by University of Toyama on relationship between difficulty falling asleep and lifestyle habits in junior and senior high school students

 Due to the corona crisis, both adults and children are going through a difficult time mentally and physically due to the disruption of their lifestyles and various stresses.University of Toyama regional cooperation promotion […]

Kyoto University and others demonstrate the effect of improving sleep with a smartphone app

 A research group led by Professor Taku Iwami of the Graduate School of Kyoto University is conducting joint research with Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. and Healthtech Research Institute Co., Ltd. to study the " […]

Long working hours worsen sleep and diet and adversely affect mental health

 It is said that long working hours adversely affect mental health, but sleep deprivation and irregular diet due to long working hours are not the overtime itself, but men […]

Positive relationship between regular life and health / learning habits Benesse and Waseda University jointly survey

 Waseda University Shigenobu Shibata Laboratory and Benesse Education Research Institute jointly conducted "Children […]" for 2021th grade to 6rd grade in high school in June 4.

Tokyo Medical University

Tetsuyoshi Shimura, Tokyo Medical University School of Medicine, says that work productivity declines due to morning-type humans staying up late and night-type humans getting up early […]

"Sleep rest" that you feel when you wake up in the morning Important for maintaining the health of adults

  Research groups at the National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Nihon University, and Saitama Prefectural University have taken a restful sleep break when waking up in the morning […]

Elucidation of sleep onset time of children related to ADHD symptoms, Nagoya University, etc.

 Associate Professor Nagahide Takahashi, Department of Medical Care for Parents and Children, Nagoya University Hospital, and Akemi Okumura, Center for Child and Mental Development, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine […]