List of articles on rehabilitation

Propose rehabilitation using "shadow play" for patients who are afraid of pain and cannot put weight on their feet

 Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a sprain, bruise, or fracture […]

Stroke patients with mild movement paralysis but slow walking Kio University analyzes walking characteristics

 Naomichi Mizuta and Shu Morioka, who are in the doctoral program at Kio University Graduate School, have found that walking speed […] despite the relatively mild motor paralysis of the lower limbs among stroke patients.

Developed a wearable robot for walking rehabilitation support, Kyoto University, etc.

 Koji Ohata, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Nao Tsuboyama, Faculty of Health Sciences, Bukkyo University, Yuichi Sawaguchi, Mechanical Engineering Department, Kyoto Institute of Technology […]

Investigating behavioral and personality traits of people who avoid excessive pain Kio University

 In response to painful exercise, humans "do not move at all (excessive avoidance behavior)", "move while avoiding pain (pain suppression behavior)", "pain [...]

Functional recovery from brain damage, successful with artificial neural connection system

 A research group of the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science's Brain Function Reconstruction Project uses an artificial neural connection system for brain regions that do not have hand motor function […]

Difference in exercise observation effect depending on whether you look at yourself or others, depending on the injured side of the brain

 Among stroke victims, rehabilitation that observes the movements of others evokes a clearer image and puffs […] in those with a right hemisphere injury.

Kio University and others elucidate that people with chronic low back pain become slow to bend and stretch their hips due to "exercise fear"

 The research group of Associate Professor Tomohiro Osumi (Neurorehabilitation Research Center) of Kiou University, in collaboration with the University of Tokyo and Konan Women's University, […]

Improved ability to image body movements by stimulating the back of the head with electric current Kanazawa University, etc.

A joint research group consisting of Professor Yoshio Mitsube, Professor Mitsuru Kikuchi, and Hamamatsu University School of Medicine at the Kanazawa University Center for the Development of Children's Hearts is a person […]