A super science high school support project of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology that cultivates the scientific abilities of high school students and fosters human resources who can play an active role internationally. It was recommended to increase it.

 According to the Ministry of Education, the Super Science High School support project started in 2002, and 218 schools nationwide have been designated so far.However, despite the fact that nearly 20 years have passed since the start of the project, there are still issues such as the fact that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has not established an effective evaluation method, and there are still issues that need to be improved in determining future directions. ..

 The Council of Experts pointed out that it is necessary to increase the number of designated schools to about 5,000, which is 5% of the 250 high schools nationwide, and to create an environment where designated schools can cooperate and work hard in each region.

 As for future support, he said that support should be promoted through wide-area cooperation by introducing a certification frame that plays a role in disseminating the results of research and development so far.In addition, high schools that have been designated for a long time show excellence in research and development, and it is recommended that they should continue to support them so that they can play a leading role in science and mathematics education in the region.

 In terms of expenses, he insisted that efforts should be focused on overseas training and equipment procurement.The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology is requesting help in introducing external funds and establishing a support network by companies and private organizations.

reference:[Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology] Second Report of the Council of Experts on the Future Direction of Super Science High School (SSH) Support Projects

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