On February 2, a research group of Assistant Professor Koichiro Yaji of the Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo and Professor Koyoshi Kobayashi of Ochanomizu University, by controlling the laser beam, freely spins the nature of electrons as a micro magnet. Announced that it was able to operate.

Electrons have two properties, electrical "charge" and magnetic "spin", but in the field of electronics so far, only electric charge has been used.However, in recent years, attention has been paid to the possibility of device application at higher speed and lower power consumption if spin can be controlled together with electric charge.

This time, the research group succeeded in extracting only electrons whose spins are aligned in a specific direction from a substance by using laser light.Specifically, by setting the polarization direction of the laser to an arbitrary angle, upward and downward spins are emitted at the same time.By superimposing them, we succeeded in creating spins in any direction.

This result has become a basic concept in the development of electron sources such as spin control and spin polarization that apply light, especially in the field of spintronics, and various applications and developments are expected.

Tokyo University

Established in the 10th year of the Meiji era.A university with the longest history in Japan and at the forefront of Japanese knowledge

The University of Tokyo was established in 1877 (Meiji 10) by integrating the Tokyo Kaisei School and the Tokyo Medical School.Since its establishment, it has developed education and research in a unique way in the world as a leading university in Japan and an academic center for the fusion of East and West cultures.As a result, many human resources have been produced in a wide range of fields, and many research achievements […]

Ochanomizu University

A national women's university that nurtures women who lead society and create the times.

Ochanomizu University began with the establishment of Tokyo Women's Normal School in 1875 (Meiji 8).Since then, we have paved the way as a pioneer in girls' education for women who are motivated to learn and want to help society.And even now, with a wide range of knowledge and abundant imagination, we create a prosperous future […]

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