A study by Professor Motoaki Sugiura of the Institute of Aging Medicine, Tohoku University revealed that managers of British companies have an intuitive cognitive style, while managers of Japanese companies are rational. ..The managerial positions of Japanese companies are strengthening their rational cognitive style as the ranks rise, showing the opposite result to the UK, where the intuitive tendency increases as the ranks rise.

The survey targeted 1,533 Japanese businessmen working for private companies.After dividing the position into senior managers of business managers, intermediate managers such as department managers, lower managers of chief class, and employees, a total of 32 frames including age and gender are set, and each is about 50. A sample survey was conducted for each person.

According to the report, Japanese managers did not change their intuitive cognitive style as they moved up the ranks, but the rational tendency increased.Previous studies in Europe and the United States have reconfirmed that there is a peculiar tendency in the cognitive style of Japanese managers, as it is known that the tendency of British managers to become more intuitive as the rank rises. ..

The research group is good at thinking analytically and making plans because Japanese managers tend to be rational, and they are good at steadily implementing them, but ideas and innovations to be implemented. I think that I am not good at thinking about.

Paper information:[Frontiers in Psychology (Section: Organizational Psychology)] Relationship of Cognitive Style and Job Level: First Demonstration of Cultural Differences

Tohoku University

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