A survey by Nomura Real Estate Solutions and NLI Research Institute found that nearly 6% of universities nationwide are renting and managing their real estate.According to a 2011 survey conducted by a private research institute, the figure was 3%.

 The survey was conducted from July to October 2022, targeting 7 national, public, and private universities nationwide, and valid responses were collected from 10 schools.
According to the survey, 56% of the universities answered that they have the option of renting or lending their real estate.Only 51% of private universities did, but 70% of national and public universities.Regarding the purpose of renting/leasing, 61% answered "diversification of income", 54% answered "effective use of unused facilities/unused land", and 41% answered "contribution to the local community".

 Regarding rental real estate for asset management purposes, 9% of the universities answered that they "hold it for asset management purposes", and the universities that answered "we do not currently own it, but are considering acquiring it in the future". was 4%.

 University management is said to be becoming increasingly difficult as the number of 18-year-olds continues to decline and government subsidies and grants have continued to decline for a long time.However, there are many unused facilities and unused land on university campuses.In the future, more universities are likely to consider rental management and asset management with the aim of securing stable income.

reference:[Nomura Real Estate Solutions] Conducted a questionnaire on university real estate strategies jointly with Nomura Real Estate Solutions Corporate Sales Headquarters, CRE Information Department, NLI Research Institute ~ 6% of universities rent and manage owned real estate ~ (PDF)

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