According to a questionnaire survey by Kawaijuku Educational Institute, a major preparatory school, more than half of junior high school and high school students who are planning to take university entrance exams in the future answered that they do not know the contents of the university entrance examination reform that will start in 2020.However, the higher the level of the university of choice, the higher the awareness of parents and children, and the fact that they are active in collecting information has emerged.

 The survey was conducted in May via the Internet for parents and children in the first to second years of high school who are planning to take university entrance exams.We received responses from a total of 5 pairs of parents and children, with the same number of men and women, with 1 students in each grade.

 According to the report, 2020% of parents answered that they "know" about the contents of the university entrance examination reform starting in 59.2, while only 49.0% of children answered.However, 76.4% of parents and 81.1% of children of the former imperial university aspiring to a national university answered that they "know", indicating that parents and children who aspire to a difficult school are more active in collecting information.

 Regarding information gathering, 53.8% of parents and 56.8% of children answered that they did not, and only about half of parents and children of high school students who are refraining from taking university entrance exams.The most common sources of information were cram schools and preparatory schools for parents and school information sessions for children, and there were few cases where information was obtained from the Web.
Among the anxieties I felt during the university entrance examination, English was the most prominent.35.0% of parents and 37.2% of children complained of anxiety, and many said that the specific content was the gap between school lessons and entrance exam questions.

reference:[PR TIMES] Kawaijuku Educational Institute / University entrance examination reform starting in 2020, conducting an awareness survey of the "new entrance examination generation" who will challenge the examination from now on

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