Tohoku University investigated the link between smoking and road fatalities, and found that smoking more than 1 cigarettes a day may increase the risk of road fatalities in men.

 Smoking has been reported to increase the risk of death from cancer and cardiovascular disease.On the other hand, the relationship with extrinsic death includes accidents such as falls, traffic accidents, choking, and fire, and deaths such as other deaths and suicides, and there are not many studies examining the relationship between deaths due to traffic accidents and smoking.
In addition, although the use of mobile phones while driving is regulated by the Road Traffic Act, there is no regulation for smoking where the same situation where driving operation becomes unstable can occur, smoking situation and traffic accident death. Little association has been considered.

 The research team will follow up 1993 basic health checkup examinees (38-40 years old) in 79 municipalities in Ibaraki prefecture in 97,078 to investigate the relationship between smoking and traffic accident death, and eliminate deficiencies. We analyzed the data of 20 people (96,384 men and 33,018 women).

 その結果、交通事故による死亡は、 男性のは非喫煙者では7,335人中31人、過去喫煙者では 9,115人中46人、1日20本未満吸う現在喫煙者では5,125人中29人、1日20本以上吸う現在喫煙者では11,403人中62人で、男性ではたばこを1日20本以上吸うことが交通事故死亡を高める可能性があることがわかった。

 Currently, smoking while driving is not regulated in Japan.The results of this study support tobacco control from a different perspective of traffic accident death, and show that it is necessary to consider measures for smoking while driving.

* Due to the small number of smokers, females did not recognize the death of smokers in traffic accidents during the observation period, and statistical analysis could not be performed.

Reference: [Tohoku University] Smokers tend to be at high risk of traffic accident death

Tohoku University

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