Regarding improving operational efficiency in the wholesale industry, the Kyushu University Graduate School of Economics has found that while business management and data utilization are effective for businesses that handle machinery and equipment, the effects are limited for businesses that handle textiles and clothing. This was discovered through research by Professor Hidemichi Fujii, Professor Akihiko Shinozaki, and Senior Researcher Satoshi Washio of the Information and Communication Research Institute.

 According to Kyushu University, the research group used data from 2018 wholesale businesses that responded to a survey on organizational management conducted by the Economic and Social Research Institute of the Cabinet Office in fiscal 1 targeting 2,277 businesses nationwide. , investigated the impact of business management and data utilization on business efficiency.

 When analyzing the wholesale trade of textiles and clothing, food and beverages, building materials, and machinery and equipment, it became clear that the impact differed greatly depending on the products handled.

 Particularly noticeable was the lack of effectiveness of operational management efforts in the textile and clothing wholesale industry, where the research group said that because products that are easily affected by trends and temperature are handled through complex supply chains, many We believe this is due to the need for simultaneous multi-step coordination with suppliers.

 On the contrary, it became clear that many initiatives were effective in the machinery and equipment wholesale industry.The research group analyzes that this business builds trust by ensuring that the equipment continues to work properly after sales, which will have an impact on future orders.

Paper information:【SN Business & Economics】Impact of business management and data utilization on process innovation in the Japanese wholesale industry

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