A research group at Okayama University and other institutions analyzed the trends in mortality rates for head and neck cancer in Japan from 1999 to 2019, and found that age-adjusted mortality rates have been decreasing for both men and women, with the rate being particularly marked for men since 2014. It was revealed that the mortality rate was decreasing.

 Although head and neck cancer is the sixth most common cancer in the world, it is generally less well known than the five major cancers such as lung cancer and colorectal cancer.Until now, trends in head and neck cancer mortality rates over time in Japan have not been sufficiently investigated.

 Therefore, the researchers analyzed the number of head and neck cancer deaths in Japan over the 1999-year period from 2019 to 21.First, when we look at trends in the crude mortality rate (death rate per population) for head and neck cancer in Japan, we find that it is increasing year by year, and in particular, the crude mortality rate for men is approximately three times that of women. It also became clear.

 Next, when we analyzed the age-adjusted mortality rate (death rate per population excluding the effects of changes in age structure), we found a decreasing trend for both men and women.For men, the rate decreased from 1999% in 8.20 to 2019% in 7.21, and for women, it decreased from 1999% in 1.96 to 2019% in 1.71.It was also found that the age-adjusted mortality rate for men has declined sharply since 2014.Factors contributing to the decline in the mortality rate from head and neck cancer include the fact that the smoking rate, which is one of the risk factors for head and neck cancer, has been decreasing over time in Japan, and the increase in the rate of dental visits for preventive checkups. Possible contributing factors include early detection and the development of new cancer chemotherapy drugs such as molecular-targeted drugs that became covered by insurance in 2012.

 In this way, the clarification of secular changes in the mortality rate of head and neck cancer in Japan, which had not been fully clarified until now, is expected to provide knowledge that will be relevant to future medical policies such as screening.

Paper information:[Cancers]Trends in Head and Neck Cancer Mortality from 1999 to 2019 in Japan: An Observational Analysis

Okayama University

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