In order to prevent sudden death in the bathroom, which tends to occur in the elderly in winter, a research group led by Professor Takahito Hayashi of the Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences identified the temperature at which sudden death in the bathroom is more likely to occur in various parts of Kagoshima Prefecture. .

 According to Kagoshima University, sudden death in the bathroom is caused by arrhythmia, heart attack, and cerebral ischemia due to temperature differences in the changing room, bathroom, and bathtub during and before and after bathing, and the resulting fluctuations in blood pressure. According to research, about 2006 cases occurred each year in Kagoshima Prefecture from 2019 to 190, mainly during the winter.

 When the research group investigated the maximum temperature, minimum temperature, average temperature, and diurnal temperature difference on the day of sudden death in the bathroom, they found that the lower the maximum temperature, minimum temperature, and average temperature, and the larger the diurnal temperature difference, the more occurrences of sudden death in the bathroom. It became clear.

 Next, we conducted a statistical analysis of Kagoshima Prefecture by dividing it into 19 police stations, and found that the maximum temperature was 9 to 19 degrees, the minimum temperature was 0 to 13 degrees, and the average temperature was 4.5 to 15.5 degrees, with daily temperature differences. It was found that 5.5 to 10.5 degrees Celsius is the temperature at which sudden death in the bathroom is most likely to occur.

 Based on these results, Kagoshima University will develop a warning information issuing system that calls people to refrain from bathing on days when sudden deaths in the bathroom are expected to occur, and will also investigate whether issuing a warning will reduce the number of sudden deaths in the bathroom. Verify whether

Paper information:[Scientific Reports] Development of prevention strategies against bath-related deaths based on epidemiological surveys of inquest records in Kagoshima Prefecture

Kagoshima University

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