Research by Soichiro Matsuda, a doctoral student at Kio University Graduate School, and Associate Professor Michihiro Osumi, has shown that hypersensitivity to the thermal grill illusion is associated with damage to the lateral thalamus, and symptoms of central sensitization in post-stroke patients. It has become clear that there is a correlation between

 The thermal grill illusion is an illusion in which a person experiences pain or discomfort similar to burning pain when touching a hot object and a cold object at the same time.It is said to occur during the process of sensory information processing in the central nervous system, but many aspects of its mechanism are still unclear.

 In this study, we investigated the relationship between hypersensitivity to the thermal grille illusion and the area of ​​brain damage and clinical characteristics in post-stroke patients in order to clarify the question, "What kind of brain damage causes hypersensitivity to the thermal grille illusion?" Verified gender.Sensitivity to the thermal grill illusion was determined by answering the intensity of pain and discomfort experienced during the experiment inducing the thermal grill illusion on a scale of 0 (no pain/discomfort) to 10 (the worst imaginable pain/discomfort). It was evaluated by receiving.

 As a result, analysis of the thermal grill illusion and lesion area revealed that hypersensitivity of the thermal grill illusion was significantly associated with lesions around the posterior limb of the internal capsule and the lateral nucleus of the thalamus.The research group speculates that damage to the internal capsule and thalamus causes problems in processing pain and temperature sensory information in the brain, making the thermal grill illusion hypersensitive.

 Interestingly, the hypersensitivity of the thermal grill illusion is also related to the wind-up phenomenon, which is one of the symptoms of central sensitization (difficulty in healing pain due to brain problems) in post-stroke patients. It has become clear that there is a correlation with the phenomenon of feeling pain strongly.This suggests that the pain and discomfort experienced by the thermal grill illusion may reflect central sensitization in post-stroke patients, and the thermal grill illusion may serve as a tool for quantitatively evaluating central sensitization. He says he has shown that he can get it.

 The results of this study are expected to help elucidate the mechanism of the thermal grill illusion and the pathology of post-stroke pain.

Paper information:[Journal of pain research] Thermal Grill Illusion in Post-Stroke Patients: Analysis of Clinical Features and Lesion Areas

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