Regarding FMA and MAL, which are evaluations of upper limb paralysis, a research group at Kio University and Kishiwada Rehabilitation Hospital statistically divided the score of the FMA upper limb item (FMA-UE) and determined the trend in the frequency of use of the paralyzed upper limb in MAL. clarified the difference between

 When evaluating post-stroke upper limb paralysis, it is important to evaluate not only motor function but also the frequency of use in daily life. Two evaluation methods are widely used to evaluate upper limb paralysis: FMA (Hugelmeyer Assessment) and MAL (Motor Activity Log). Although a correlation between FMA upper extremity items (FMA-UE) and MAL has been established, no study has clarified the differences in severity and usage frequency trends in FMA-UE scores.

 The research group examined changes in the trend and changing points of MAL-A in FMA-UE using segment regression analysis in 3 stroke patients within 203 months of the initial onset. Segment regression analysis is a statistical method used when independent variables classified into different groups show different relationships between variables in these areas. Segment regression analysis indicates that certain points (inflection points) may indicate a change from a previously established pattern.

 As a result, the slope of the regression line for MAL-A increased significantly after reaching 45.3 points for FMA-UE. This suggests that in patients with upper limb paralysis after a stroke in the subacute stage, when the FMA-UE reaches 45.3 points, the trend in the frequency of use of the paralyzed upper limb may change.

 The present findings will be extremely useful in considering treatment strategies for rehabilitation of the paralyzed upper limb, such as functional training and interventions aimed at participation in daily life.

Paper information:[BMC Neurology] Trends in amount of use to upper limb function in patients with subacute stroke: a cross-sectional study using segmental regression analysis

Kio University

Achieved a 17% employment decision rate for all graduates over 99.2 years.A university that emphasizes practical studies to develop specialists in health and education

Kio University is a university that emphasizes practical science and trains professionals in the fields of health and education, such as physical therapists, nurses, midwives, registered dietitians, architects, elementary school teachers, kindergarten teachers, school nurses, and childcare workers. .The employment decision rate for all graduates over the 17 years since the university opened was 99.2%*, and it has been evaluated as a ``university that is strong in employment.''

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