Three types of atomic structures are known for solid materials: crystalline, semi-crystalline, and amorphous. It was discovered by a group of Professor Yuichi Ikuhara of the Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University Advanced Institute of Technology.

 This research group, which has been trying to analyze the atomic structure and elucidate the mechanism of expression of functional characteristics for lattice defects, grain boundaries, interfaces, etc. in crystals, has made full use of the most advanced atomic resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy. Then, the grain boundaries of various oxides and the atomic structure near the interface were observed in detail.As a result, a unique atomic arrangement with randomness was discovered by analysis of the magnesium oxide thin film layer.

 This extremely peculiar structure, in which there are atomic columns (columns) with a one-dimensional periodic structure in one direction and they are distributed two-dimensionally randomly (disordered), is called a "one-dimensional ordered crystal". It was named.The atomic structure of a one-dimensional ordered crystal, which can be said to coexist with one-dimensional periodicity and two-dimensional randomness, has not been reported so far and is completely different from the structure of known oxides. It is thought that the structure appears in a region with a certain volume surrounded by bulk crystals, such as the triple point of grain boundaries where two grain boundaries meet and the vicinity of the crystal interface.The research group has already confirmed that this structure exists not only in magnesium oxide but also in the vicinity of the interface of other ceramic materials such as neodium oxide, and it should be a structure that can exist in a bound space with a certain volume. Became clear.

 One-dimensional ordered crystals have the potential to develop new functions that have never been seen before, and it is expected that this discovery will lead to the development of new one-dimensional ordered crystalline materials with unique functional characteristics. ing.

Paper information:[Nature Materials] Ceramic phases with one-dimensional long-range order

Tokyo University

Established in the 10th year of the Meiji era.A university with the longest history in Japan and at the forefront of Japanese knowledge

The University of Tokyo was established in 1877 (Meiji 10) by integrating the Tokyo Kaisei School and the Tokyo Medical School.Since its establishment, it has developed education and research in a unique way in the world as a leading university in Japan and an academic center for the fusion of East and West cultures.As a result, many human resources have been produced in a wide range of fields, and many research achievements […]

Tohoku University

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Tohoku University has a rich culture and humanity based on the tradition of "research first principle" since its opening, the idea of ​​"opening the door" and the spirit of "respect for practical science", and is a phenomenon of human beings, society and nature. In response to this, human resources with the ability to carry out intellectual exploration with a "scientific mind", demonstrating their expertise in various fields from an international perspective and leading […]

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