Tokyo Institute of Technology has established its own benefit-type scholarship, "Tokyo Institute of Technology Tsubame Doctoral Student Scholarship," for excellent doctoral students with motivation and ability, and will start providing benefits in April. With the increase in tuition fees for bachelor's degree enrollees from April and graduate school enrollees from September, the university's own income such as industry-academia collaboration and donations will be used as financial resources to provide relief measures.

 According to the Tokyo Institute of Technology, all students who enrolled in the doctoral program after April 2018 and entered the doctoral program will continue to receive the payment until the standard period of study.This does not apply to Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Fellow, government-sponsored foreign students, foreign government-sponsored students, students who have a regular job as a member of society, and students who have exceeded the standard period of study.


 Based on past achievements, it is expected that about half of the doctoral students enrolled in the doctoral program will be eligible for the benefits.Until now, Tokyo Institute of Technology has used both teaching assistant and research assistant systems to provide financial support to doctoral students in the amount equivalent to the tuition fee, but compared to both systems, more than 25% of the recipients are eligible. It is expected to increase.

reference:[Tokyo Institute of Technology] Established "Tokyo Institute of Technology Tsubame Doctoral Student Scholarship", a new financial support system for doctoral students

Tokyo Institute of Technology

The pinnacle of science and engineering university that continues to produce science and engineering people with high aspirations and a Japanese spirit, mastering the knowledge that creates the times, refining their skills

Tokyo Institute of Technology was established as the Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1881 (Meiji 14), when modernization of industry was an urgent need.Since its establishment, it has continued to produce excellent research results with excellent science and engineering human resources, and is still at the top of Japan's science and engineering universities.Tokyo Institute of Technology requires not only a high degree of specialization but also liberal arts […]

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