On May 2019, 5, the Career Support Center of Chiba University of Commerce released the employment matching site "me R AI" (trademark registration pending).It is an online service where students who have registered information on the site and more than 31 CUC alliance companies can offer each other.

 Chiba University of Commerce has been holding a reverse recruitment-type on-campus joint company information session since 2017, and has been well received by both students and companies."Me R AI" was launched so that this mechanism can be used online.We aim to create more efficient and accurate matching for both students and companies in the job hunting market, which is undergoing major changes such as early activities and the abolition of job hunting rules by Keidanren (after graduating from 2021).

 Chiba University of Commerce has independently networked companies that have support and cooperation for career education and employment of students as "CUC alliance companies" since 2008. As of June 2019, 6 companies are registered. Of the graduates who graduated in March 814, more than 2018% of the students who decided to work for a private company are working for an alliance company.

 Yohei Tsunemi, a member of the career committee of the Faculty of International Liberal Arts and a work style critic at the university, said in this release, "The matching model for reverse job offers began to appear in the mid-2000s. Since 2017, it has been receiving particular attention because it can provide unexpected encounters to students who only look at it. In the job market in recent years, we provide accurate and reliable information to both students and companies in recruiting activities. It is essential to solve the lack of manpower of companies. "Me R AI" is an initiative of the university to foster a valuable matching place in cooperation with many CUC alliance companies. "

reference:[Chiba University of Commerce] Reverse recruitment type employment matching site "me R AI (Mirai)" released on 5/31 (PDF)

Chiba University of Commerce

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