A collaborative research group consisting of Assistant Professor Naohide Nakayama of the Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Tokai University, Assistant Professor Mizuki Matsunuma of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki University, and Professor Hiromitsu Endo of the Faculty of Science and Technology of Kochi University has selected another species of the deep-sea fish Azumaginzame from specimens obtained at Hinata Nada. I discovered it for the first time and reported it.We are advocating "Yominotsukai" as the standard Japanese name for the new species.

 According to Tokai University, one species of Chimaera has been confirmed to inhabit the North Pacific as a deep-sea fish of the genus Chimaera.However, when the collaborative research group analyzed the specimens obtained in Hyuga-nada, it was found to be a different species of the genus Chimaera.

 The shape of the male copulator is a clue to distinguish the species of deep-sea fish of the genus Chimaera, but the copulator of another species was relatively larger than that of the lizard.It is expected to reach sexual maturity at a smaller stage.

 With this discovery, the collaborative research group has reorganized the scientific name of the genus Chimaera and is proposing Yominotsukai as a new standard Japanese name for this other species that has no Japanese name.

 The collection records of Yominotsukai are scarce, and the number of specimens in the museum collection is limited.Therefore, the joint research group analyzed the images taken by the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology's deep-sea research vessel in the North Pacific Ocean, and found that the water depth was 1,535 to 2,611 meters deeper than the habitat of the chimaera chimaera.

Paper information:[Ichthyological Research] A preliminary review and in situ observations of the spookfish genus Harriotta (Holocephali: Rhinochimaeridae)

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