Using a new method developed by Associate Professor Takuya Maruyama of Kumamoto University Kumamoto Water Circulation and Disaster Mitigation Education and Research Center and Tatsuya Fukahori of the Master's Program of the Graduate School of Natural Sciences, Kumamoto University, using a traffic survey, the whole family in the Kumamoto metropolitan area When we examined the absentee rate of households, we found that it increased by 1984 points from 2012% to 28% in the 41.3 years from 51.5 to 10.2.

 The survey used the 1984 and 2012 Kumamoto metropolitan area traffic surveys to determine the household absentee rate at the peak of 11:XNUMX am.
According to the report, the household absentee rate was 1984% in 41.3, but increased to 2012% in 51.5.The absentee rate of individuals increased a little in the evening due to the late return time, but there was no significant change.However, the peak household absentee rate increased significantly due to the increase in single-person households, the decrease in households with full-time housewives, and the increase in the outing rate of the elderly.

 Associate Professor Maruyama and his colleagues believe that the results of this research can be expected to improve the efficiency of home-visit surveys such as the national census, reduce the number of redelivery of parcel delivery services, and utilize them for crime prevention such as burglary countermeasures.

 The expansion of online shopping has raised the issue that redelivery of parcel delivery services will reach about 2% of the total, but the actual situation of absence on a household basis has not been clarified.

Paper information:[Journal of Transport Geography] Households with Every Member Out-of-home (HEMO): Comparisonusing the 1984, 1997, and 2012 Household Travel Surveys in Kumamoto, Japan

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