From April 2020, 4, the Okayama University SDGs Promotion Headquarters has released free teaching materials for children to learn about the prevention of the spread of new coronavirus infections on the Internet.Developed in collaboration with the Knowledge Flow System Research Institute.

 The teaching material "Let's think about the new coronavirus together!" Was planned and developed for the purpose of deepening the understanding of the new coronavirus and promoting infection prevention for a wide range of people from elementary school students to university students and working adults.In addition to steadily preventing infections not only in daily life but also in schools and off-campus learning, we also emphasize the perspective of students learning through the real task of spreading infections.

 It was supervised by Professor Mitsunobu Kano (Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Deputy Science and Technology Advisor), Deputy Director of SDGs, Okayama University, Fellow of the Institute for Knowledge Flow Systems, and Yuko Morita, Chief of Science Communication, National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation.From a scientific point of view, he simply explains things that tend to be questionable, and devises so that even elementary school students can act convincingly, such as "opening a window" and "leaving away from friends."It also touches on Q & A that deepens scientific interest as a result of interest in viruses, and content such as "Do not discriminate against infected people."

 The number of people infected with the new coronavirus varies greatly depending on the region, but for regions that are about to reopen from the beginning of the week, it is urgent to prevent infection at school and inform children and students.
Anyone can freely print and transfer the teaching materials.Okayama University says that it will call on local governments and schools nationwide to distribute and utilize it in the future.

reference:[Okayama University] Developed teaching materials that are easy for children to learn about the new coronavirus in collaboration with the Knowledge Flow System Research Institute and others.

Okayama University

Promote the creation of an environment and system that can fly as a practitioner who can play an active role globally

A national university with 150 faculties, 10 graduate schools, and 7 research institutes, which is about 4 years old.Based on the results of advanced research activities, we can cultivate the ability of students to participate in "creation of knowledge" independently, and foster a rich humanity through close dialogues and discussions between students and faculty members. In a wide range of fields both domestically and internationally […]

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