On April 2020, 4, Kawaijuku Group's KEI Advanced, Inc. announced that it would provide a "WEB consultation system" free of charge to domestic universities.The period is until the end of December 15.As school information sessions and individual counseling sessions continue to be postponed, we accept examination counseling on the WEB.

 Due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, it is not possible to see the schedule for holding school information sessions and individual consultations, and high school students and parents who are refraining from taking university entrance exams are worried.Since each university continues to be unable to receive consultations from high school students and parents, it has been decided to provide this "WEB consultation system" free of charge. By being able to use it for a long time until the end of December, each university will be able to carry out student recruitment activities systematically and efficiently.

 "WEB consultation system" is an individual consultation system that can be easily registered and used by LINE or email.High school students and parents can make a reservation for the desired consultation date and time and consult with the person in charge of the university on the WEB.Universities can also deliver university explanations and entrance examination explanations on the WEB at designated dates and times, and can also deliver introductory videos on demand.

 The target of the free offer is domestic universities that are considering introducing a Web consultation system for student recruitment activities. You must complete your application by email by May 5th.It will be available from May 29th as soon as the setting is completed.

reference:[PR TIMES] Kawaijuku Group Co., Ltd. KEI Advance provides WEB consultation system for domestic universities free of charge until the end of December 2020

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