Meisei University has released the original website "Shakespeare in Silver" for two languages ​​(Japanese and English) to deepen the understanding of Shakespeare drama from July 2, 2020.Introducing the vase-shaped decorative figurine "The Vase of Shakspeare" *, which is modeled after the famous scenes of Shakespeare plays and the dramatic moments of the characters in the university's collection.

 “Shakespeare in Silver” is an original website planned and edited by Professor Junji Kasahara of the Faculty of Education, Meisei University.The design of "The Vase of Shakspeare" in the Meisei University Library is combined with the commentary on the corresponding pedestal name plate to show it to the world, and the dramatic moment on the stage drawn there is engraved on the name plate. It is a content that can be awarded with the famous lines of the Shakespeare play.

 On the website, the explanation of the pedestal name plate is shown in two ways, "photo version" and "transcription version". In producing the "transcription version", while referring to the "Exhibition Catalog" of the 1862 London World's Fair, the characters are faithful to the description on the nameplate, and even the parts that seem to be incorrect are written as they are without correction or addition. It became.Assuming that the description on the name plate will be an indispensable primary material for future research, the photo version and the transcription version are made available for download at once.

 In addition, it is written in both Japanese and English, assuming access from all over the world.In addition, on the site, a video explaining the outline and highlights of the work by Professor Kasahara is also released so that users can deepen their understanding of “The Vase of Shakspeare”.

* “The Vase of Shakspeare” is a sterling silver arts and crafts (not open to the public) owned by the Meisei University Library.It is a pot-shaped decorative figurine that resembles the famous scenes of Shakespeare's plays and the dramatic moments of the characters. Shakespeare's statue is placed at the top of the main body, and winged tragedy and comedy statues are placed on the left and right. It was exhibited at the World's Fair in London in 1862 as the central statue of a five-body group named "British Poetry: Sterling Silver Group".

Reference: [Meisei University] The original website "Shakespeare in Silver" has been released.

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