President Takeshi Tokuhisa of Chiba University sent a message to students from the 10th term after October 1st to lift the restrictions on students' entrance to the campus and increase face-to-face classes.However, it is said that it will be difficult for all students to study abroad, which started in 4, due to the situation of the new coronavirus infection overseas, and will continue to be suspended for the time being.

 According to Chiba University, it was judged that the epidemic of the new corona had settled down because the restriction on admission was lifted, but since the infection has not ended, we are calling for the use of the infection control measures set for each facility on campus. rice field.

 While increasing the number of face-to-face lessons, we will provide on-demand media lessons for students who have difficulty commuting to school.Looking ahead to the post-corona era, the company plans to hold hybrid lessons that incorporate simultaneous interactive and on-demand media lessons into face-to-face lessons.

 Chiba University started "Chiba University Global Human Resource Development" ENGINE "" in 2020 and aimed to study abroad for all undergraduate and graduate students, but as of April 4, all of them until the end of September (third term). Announced the cancellation of the study abroad program.This time, he expressed his intention to suspend the program for the time being after the 20th term and aim to restart the program as soon as possible while checking the infection situation in each country in the world.For students enrolled in the doctoral program in 9, prepare an alternative program comparable to studying abroad.

 Among the new students in 2020, there are voices all over the country that they cannot make friends because they could not go to university and feel uneasy about their student life. I want you to actively participate in the activities. "

reference:[Chiba University] Message from the President About learning after the 4th term

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