Kohei Matsuura, a graduate student at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, the University of Tokyo, has been a mystery until now. The cause of this was clarified.This research is the result of collaboration with Kyoto University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

 "Superconductivity" is a phenomenon in which electrical resistance becomes zero when a specific substance is cooled to near absolute zero (0 Kelvin [K] = -273.15 ° C).In recent years, high-temperature superconductors that become superconducting at high temperatures (around -200 ° C) have been found.Among them, iron selenium has peculiar physical properties among iron-based superconductors, and in particular, it was recently discovered that the superconducting transition temperature rises more than four times by applying pressure, which is a big mystery of condensed matter physics. It was one of.

 This time, the research group applied high pressure to single crystal iron selenium to track changes in electrical resistance, and measured the temperature at which magnetism develops and the superconducting transition temperature.As a result, magnetism suddenly appears at around 2 atm, the magnetic expression temperature rises as the pressure rises to around 2 to 4 atm, falls at 4 to 6 atm, and disappears at around 6 atm.On the other hand, the superconducting transition temperature rises with the pressure rise from normal pressure to around 2 atm, but does not rise so much to around 4 atm after the appearance of magnetism, and at 4 to 6 atm, it is the opposite of the fall in magnetic manifestation temperature. It rises sharply to 6K, which is four times the normal pressure of 9K at around 4 atm.When the pressure was further increased, the superconducting transition temperature decreased, and the disappearance of superconductivity was observed.

 From this, it became clear that magnetism and superconductivity are in a competitive relationship, and that suppression of magnetism is the key to realizing high-temperature superconductivity.This research is said to be a major step toward understanding the mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity and realizing superconductivity near room temperature.

Tokyo University

Established in the 10th year of the Meiji era.A university with the longest history in Japan and at the forefront of Japanese knowledge

The University of Tokyo was established in 1877 (Meiji 10) by integrating the Tokyo Kaisei School and the Tokyo Medical School.Since its establishment, it has developed education and research in a unique way in the world as a leading university in Japan and an academic center for the fusion of East and West cultures.As a result, many human resources have been produced in a wide range of fields, and many research achievements […]

Kyoto University

Foster a free academic style based on the spirit of "self-respect for self-weight" and open up a world of creative learning.

With the motto of self-study, we will continue to maintain a free academic style that is not bound by common sense, and develop human resources who have both creativity and practical ability.We provide an inclusive learning space that allows for diverse and hierarchical choices so that students themselves can choose a solid future through valuable trial and error. […]

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