Susumu Satomi, Chairman of the Japan Association of National Universities (President of Tohoku University), visited the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to visit Deputy Minister Toshie Mizuochi and Parliamentary Vice-Minister Naoya Higuchi to increase the supplementary budget for 2016, the budget for national universities in 2017, and special examination research. Requested tax reform such as improvement of the expense tax deduction system.

 According to the Japan Association of National Universities, in addition to Chairman Satomi, Kyosuke Nagata (President of University of Tsukuba), Seiichi Matsuo (President of Nagoya University), and Assistant Chairman Yoshinao Mishima (President of Tokyo Institute of Technology) will be present.We visited Deputy Minister Mizuochi and Parliamentary Vice-Minister Higuchi, handed over the request form, and explained the content of the request.

 According to the budget request, in order to realize the reforms promoted by national universities, it is necessary to expand the budget related to national universities, and the decrease in operating expenses subsidies casts a dark shadow on university management.To secure basic expenses, we called for an increase in national university corporation operating expenses subsidies, enhancement of financial support for national university hospitals, and enhancement of national university facility maintenance subsidies.Increasing scientific research grants to secure competitive funding, and expanding scholarships and tuition exemptions to support students.

 The tax reform will improve the special examination and research expense tax deduction system, which allows companies that have conducted joint research or contract research with universities to receive corporate tax deductions, while making tax deductions for individual donations to national universities. In response to the fact that it has been applied, we requested an increase in the target business and the deduction amount.
It also requests that national university corporations be included in the Japanese version of the Planned Giving System, which exempts interest income from trusts for donations to non-profit organizations.

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