Sharp, a major consumer electronics company, and Tokyo Medical and Dental University will start a demonstration experiment using Sharp's remote response solution to improve communication between inpatients, their families, and medical staff.The purpose of hospitals is to alleviate the increasing psychological burden on patients and their families and the burden on medical staff due to continued restrictions on visits to prevent infection with the new coronavirus.

 According to Sharp, the remote response solution connects hospital rooms with staff rooms such as nurse stations with smartphones and tablets to support communication without contact, and will be launched for medical institutions and welfare facilities in July 2020. I started.

 This demonstration experiment will be carried out with the cooperation of five patients admitted to the intensive care unit at the Tokyo Medical and Dental University Hospital.
Tablets will be installed in the hospital room and at the patient's family's home, and the video call function will allow the patient and family to meet and promote communication between the medical staff and the patient's family.The duration of the experiment is 6 weeks.After the completion, a questionnaire survey will be conducted to confirm the satisfaction of the patient's family and the degree of reduction of the burden on the medical staff.

 After the spread of the new corona, hospitals nationwide have restricted visits to inpatients and their families to combat infectious diseases.As a result, opportunities for communication between the patient and family are reduced, the psychological burden on both parties is increasing, and it is difficult for the patient to be present at the time of the interview between the medical staff and the family. However, the burden on medical staff is also increasing.

reference:[Sharp Corporation] Started demonstration experiment using "remote response solution" with Tokyo Medical and Dental University

Tokyo Medical and Dental University

Fostering excellent global medical personnel with rich humanity based on the history and achievements of close cooperation between medicine and dentistry

As Japan's only comprehensive medical graduate university, in the fields of medicine and dentistry, human resources who can play an active role on the world stage, a wide range of education and rich humanity, high ethical standards, creativity and pioneering ability to think and solve by oneself, internationality Foster human resources with leadership skills.Excellent faculty, excellent facilities, and a world-class curriculum […]

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