Research groups such as Kyushu University have elucidated the structure of the receptor used by mumps virus, the causative virus of mumps, to infect humans, and the state of binding to viral glycoproteins is at the atomic level. We succeeded in visualizing with resolution.This achievement is a result of joint research with University of Tsukuba, Kagawa University, Chubu University, Kitasato University, Tokyo University, and High Energy Accelerator Research Organization.

 Mumps epidemic occurs in hundreds of thousands of patients every year, mainly in children, in Japan alone.There is a risk of serious complications such as meningitis, encephalitis, and deafness, and research is underway as an important viral infection.

 When a virus infects a person, it utilizes receptors on the cell surface.Receptors bind only to molecules with a specific structure, but the substance responsible for the function of the receptor is a sugar called sialic acid, which binds to proteins to form glycoproteins.This time, the research group has elucidated that the receptor used by mumps virus is not a simple sialic acid but a structure consisting of trisaccharides (sialic acid-galactose-glucose).We also succeeded in visualizing the binding state of the receptor and the viral glycoprotein HN at the atomic level.

 In addition, people who have been vaccinated against mumps or who have a history of infection can also be infected, which is common to the 12 mumps virus genotypes and is important for infection inhibition. It turned out that this was because it was difficult to form an antibody at the site.

 This achievement will enable the development and improvement of vaccines and antiviral drugs for mumps based on the atomic-level form of viral glycoproteins.In fact, it is said that a research group at Kyushu University is currently conducting research on the search for inhibitors.

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