A research team led by Assistant Professor Kensuke Ichida of the Institute for Aquatic Reproductive Technology, Tokyokaiyo University has succeeded in developing a technology to induce differentiation into eggs and sperm by transplanting germ stem cells isolated from dead fish.It is expected to be useful for protecting rare fish such as endangered species.

 According to Tokyokaiyo University, the research team isolated reproductive stem cells, which are the original cells of eggs and sperm, from rainbow trout 12 to 24 hours after death and transplanted them into another host rainbow trout.As a result, rainbow trout reproductive stem cells 12 hours after death were normally taken up into the host ovary and testis, proliferated and differentiated into eggs and sperm.

 In rainbow trout reproductive stem cells 24 hours after death, although the transplantation efficiency decreased, it was confirmed that the cells differentiated in the host ovary and testis after transplantation.The researchers say they can produce offspring from dead fish within 24 hours of death.

 In fish farms and aquariums, fish may die due to power outages or equipment troubles, but while dead fish are left for a long time, proteins are decomposed by enzymes in the body and cells deteriorate.For this reason, it has been thought that no matter how precious a fish is, if it dies, the gene cannot be passed on to the next generation.

 This research is expected to be a great achievement in connecting the genes of rare fish to the next generation.

reference:[Tokyokaiyo University] «It is possible to produce offspring from dead fish !?» Succeeded in developing technology to induce differentiation into eggs and sperm by transplanting germ stem cells isolated from dead fish (PDF)

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