In 2019, Fukushima University will reorganize the entire university by establishing a new food and agriculture school (tentative name) to practically study food, agriculture, and rural issues.The aim is to develop human resources who will work on food safety and agricultural reconstruction in Fukushima in the food and agriculture department, and to put more effort into solving regional issues.

 According to Fukushima University, in the university-wide reorganization, of the current human development and cultural sciences, economic management, administrative policy, symbiotic system science and engineering, and night main course (modern liberal arts course), the night main course is administrative policy. Established a new food and agriculture school with a maximum enrollment capacity of 100.By reducing the capacity of each existing school and course by 5 to 40, the total capacity of 945 will not change.

 Food and agriculture studies comprehensively and practically, and trains human resources who can take on the challenges of food safety and agricultural reconstruction faced by local communities. In addition, considering the entire Fukushima prefecture as a campus, high added value of agricultural products We will practice environmental management for the improvement of quality, quality and sustainable agriculture and forestry.
The qualifications that can be obtained are assumed to be food specialists, food producers for the sixth industrialization, food hygiene managers, hazardous materials handlers, HACCP managers (* 6), assistant surveyors, etc.

 Fukushima Prefecture has been severely damaged by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and the accompanying nuclear disaster, and is suffering from agricultural land pollution and food rumors.Fukushima University has been working on solving regional issues as a local national university, but wants to further strengthen its efforts by reorganizing the entire university.

* 1 HACCP administrator A qualification certified by the Japan Food Storage Science Society for those who have HACCP expertise in internationally advanced hygiene management systems.

reference:[Fukushima University] In April 2019, Fukushima University will be reorganized throughout the university!

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