From September to December 2020, Kanazawa Seiryo University will hold a employment preparation course "MOONSHOT course" for students aiming to become a difficult company for a total of 9 days. In 12, a total of 5 students, including 2020 university students and 63 junior college students, participated.

 The course name "MOONSHOT" comes from the Apollo program, which John F. Kennedy explained, "I don't do it because it's easy. I dare to do it because it's difficult." In the "MOONSHOT course", which was held for a total of 9 days from September, professionals from each department were invited as instructors, such as hairstyles, makeup, speaking styles, writing styles, standing behavior and hospitality, and interview responses. I learned the skills and attitude to break through the selection of companies that I want to aim for and difficult companies.

 From the students who participated in the course, "'A way of life that will be complimented by me 10 years from now'. I think that gaining through job hunting will be useful in all of my future life. I will practice what I learned from today's course so that I can become familiar, train my facial muscles, write letters with a hard brush on a daily basis, and learn makeup tips. "," First impression is 15 It depends on the seconds. ”When I heard this word, I never had a chance to give a first impression again, and I wanted to make an effort to improve my impression again.” I heard that there was a time when I couldn't be selected due to the influence of the coronavirus, and I was fighting a lot of anxiety. I would like to proceed with measures and preparations so that I can respond even if something happens. "

Reference: [Kanazawa Seiryo University] [Job hunting] Job hunting measures course is held with industry professionals!

Kanazawa Seiryo University
Kanazawa Seiryo University

From learners to learners, to those who seek diverse learning.Gain power to surpass yourself

Kanazawa Seiryo University promotes and supports the voluntary growth of students under the slogan of "strengthening power beyond oneself" under the founding spirit of "cultivating human beings who are sincere and useful to society." ..We are developing human beings who can contribute to a diversifying society in the three academic fields of the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Human Sciences, and the Faculty of Humanities. […]

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