Career article list

Bunkyo University and Yamanashi Prefecture conclude employment support agreement

 Bunkyo University, which has campuses in Koshigaya City, Saitama Prefecture and Chigasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, aims to secure human resources and revitalize industries in Yamanashi Prefecture and Yamanashi Prefecture […]

The University of Tokyo is ranked 23rd in the world ranking of universities that are strong in employment.

 Quacquarelli Symonds, a world university evaluation institution, summarized the world rankings of universities that are strong in employment, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ranked first […]

Kobe University to establish "Kobe University V. School", a cross-university organization in April 2020

 Kobe University has established "Kobe University Value School (commonly known as V. School)" as a cross-university organization in order to develop innovative value-creating human resources […]

2021% of 81.9 graduates start job hunting "If they don't fit, change jobs" more than half

 "Asaku Navi 2021", a job hunting information site for new graduates, has released "2021 graduate student job hunting pre-start awareness survey report".Asaku […]

The capacity sufficiency rate of the graduate school for teaching profession, the lowest since the system started

 According to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's summary of the 2019 entrance examination implementation status of the graduate school for teacher education, the enrollment capacity sufficiency rate is 16.9 points lower than the previous year 80. […]

Tokyo Medical and Dental University conducts credit-certified internship at medical AI venture

 At Tokyo Medical and Dental University, the credit-certified internship system, which is the first attempt at the medical school, allows medical students to become a medical AI venture, Iris […].

Musashi University, 1st gen member of Parallel Degree Program earns a bachelor's degree from the University of London

 Musashi University started in 2015, an international program "Parallel Degree […]" that allows students to obtain degrees from both the University of London and Musashi University.

5 cases such as industry-academia joint human resources development system construction, "practitioner teacher COE project" adopted

 The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology is a sustainable industry-academia collaborative human resources development system that builds a human resources development system through industry-academia collaboration and develops a training program for practitioner teachers […]

Seniors support internship management and develop basic skills for working adults

 Quality of Life Co., Ltd., which accepts university student internships every year, conducted an internship from August 2019th to 8th, 26 […]

Toyo University Announces 2019 Women's Advancement Index Corporate Ranking

 The Toyo University Diversity Research Group established "Women's Advancement […]" in 2017 as an index to objectively evaluate the success of women in companies and organizations.
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