List of articles on research results

Developed by Toyohashi University of Technology, a robot that supports the standing, walking, and sitting of elderly people

 The research team of Assistant Professor Koaki Takeda of Toyohashi University of Technology and others uses a small number of sensors to estimate the user's condition and operate to support standing, walking, and sitting […].

Tokyo Institute of Technology and ANA Group conduct a demonstration experiment on a pilgrimage equipped with a walking support robot

 Tokyo Institute of Technology and the ANA Group are collaborating to create a new travel style that encourages travelers by supporting walking by robots […]

The University of Tokyo discovers the causative substance that causes stuffy nose.

 A group of the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences has decided that a substance that seems to be the cause of nasal congestion (nasal congestion) caused by allergic rhinitis such as pollinosis […]

Juntendo University and Yomiuri Giants launch new project to support player conditioning

 Juntendo University and Yomiuri Giants Co., Ltd. are preparing for the 2022 season to condition players belonging to the professional baseball and Yomiuri Giants […]

Succeeded in rejuvenating aged neural stem cells and restoring cognitive function Kyoto University

 Neural stem cells, which produce the nerve cells (neurons) that make up the brain, lose their proliferative and neuronal-producing abilities with aging, resulting in a decline in cognitive function […].

"Light touch" that stabilizes the standing posture, posture sway fluctuates depending on whether it is a fixed object or a human

 Tomoya Ishigaki, Visiting Researcher, Neurorehabilitation Research Center, Kio University, Nami Yamamichi, a graduate of the same graduate school, Shu Morioka, and others are fixed objects […]

Aging: Sildenafil as a candidate for treatment of Alzheimer's disease

Ageing: Sildenafil as a candidate drug for Alzheimer's disea […]

Rough skin in winter is improved by bathing in a hot spring, Yamaguchi University demonstrates with capybara

 Kengo Inaka, a graduate student of the Graduate School of Joint Veterinary Medicine, Yamaguchi University, and Professor Toru Kimura et al.

Black carbon from China, the main source is found by home observation data analysis

Research teams such as Kobe University, National Institute for Environmental Studies, National Institute of Polar Research, etc.

Kyoto University reports that the cerebral cortex of the elderly increases and cognitive function improves after 3 months of exercise

 A research group led by Professor Kaoru Sekiyama of Kyoto University graduate school found that three months of exercise intervention improved cognitive function in the elderly, and the structure of the brain (cortical volume and skin […]].