01. Professor Yamauchi is the head of the Silk Road Academic Research Team of Teikyo University, and Associate Professor Fujisawa is in charge of the conservation and restoration of cultural properties and scientific research.The two had a relationship of boss and subordinates in their previous job, and they are connected with deep trust beyond the boundaries of the humanities and sciences.

02. The Teikyo University Silk Road Academic Research Team was established in 2016.We have conducted eight field surveys so far, and next year we will start excavating the Eastern Christian Church.

03. In 2018, a mosaic-shaped stone paving remains was discovered.Such stone paving was extremely rare in Central Asia and became a big topic in the local area.

04. The excavated metal products are returned to the site after being taken back to Japan for preservation and restoration with the trust of the Kyrgyz government.


You can see the research video of the Institute of Cultural Properties, Teikyo University here.


Teikyo University
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173-8605-2 Kaga, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo 11-1


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